Monday, June 19, 2006

The Hussy tries to return!

Okay, so background info...
My Husband cheated on me with a chick. Let's just say that I was mighty pissed off when I found out. Since my husband and I have decided to work things out and he realizes that he really screwed up. Well, I have become quite nifty in getting into his accounts and yadda yadda yadda. So Damian had set up a my space account and I just happened to check it out...who da ya think was seeing where he was? Rather than go off on her, I decided to have a little fun. She wanted to know if 'she' knew about the account. Who do you think that she was? Me of course...I told her no and then created an account for email, just for Damian. She just couldn't understand why everything happened and then accused him of never leaving and now she is wondering if I (Damian) was ever going to leave Kelly at all. Stupid bitch! I think that the worse part is that she really isn't that cute. I mean she has a skeletor forehead. What the hey! She may have been thinner at the time, but our son was only 4 or 5 months old. Holy heck? The nerve of this chick. She did say nice things about me, so I couldn't be too too mean. I just told her to butt out and leave us alone. SHould I get mean? What do you all think?

1 comment:

dee said...

I think you should kick her butt.
Ok, that's not the grown-up response, but it's my first reaction.
I think you should mention it to Damian. See what he says. Then go from there.
And just remember that you guys are trying to work things out. And that chick is a hussy. And if you want me to go with you when you kick her butt, I will.