Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Welcome to Temptation aka Millville

Okay, WTT wasn't all to me that everyone seemed to rave about. It just had tooo much hype to live up too. My fave would have to be Bet Me thus far....but WTT wasn't soooooo soooo bad...I don't know, it wasn't bad, but it didn't captivate me the way the other ones did....I don't know, it did remind me a lot of my hometown Millville, less the watertower but the lights are definitely a topic...


Chari-Dee said...

I know what you mean. I love WTT, BUT I read it after I read Faking It - and so, I already had been introduced to the Dempsey's and Clea. Faking It is my all time fave Crusie (although, I think it changes to what Crusie I'm reading at the time). On my first read of WTT I thought it merely okay. Now, after many, MANY re-reads, I love it!

I had a hard time reading GOING POSTAL by Terry Pratchett because it has a lot of OMG, I LOVE THIS BOOK, but now that I've started to read it, I like it too. It won't be a re-read though. But well worth the read.

But, if you haven't read it, read Faking It - I love that book!

dee said...

See, that's how I felt about Fast Women. There was so much Cherry hype about it, that I'm just not sure it could have lived up to it. Now don't get me wrong, I really liked it, it just wasn't my favorite.
I think, with WTT, it's about Sophie. I just really liked that girl. And I loved her journey. It seemed a lot like me, and I could so relate to so many of those things. I mean, growing up, we moved a LOT, and there were times that I was soooo on the other side of the tracks it was sad.
As an adult, it was hard for me to stop being the ultimate nurterer. Even in the Navy, that's what I leaned towards. I cooked, I made sure my people didn't get into too much trouble, I helped them out of their messes, often putting myself into messes in the process. I finally slowed down on that when I met Shane. Here was a guy that loved me for me, and didn't need fixing (except that whole AGE thing!). He put up with me mothering everyone around me when it wouldn't be hurtful to me. When he saw me helping too much, getting too involved, sacrificing myself, he was quick to step in and say "You need to care for YOU first, then everyone else". I wouldn't have learned that that was ok without him.
That's the big draw for me with Sophie and Phin. They remind me of me and Shane. Plus, he was her first mind-blowing sex, so we also have THAT in common. Very nice, that book!

Chari-Dee said...

I agree about FW. I read it and gave it away. Then, I a year later I joined JCF and every one just raved about the damn thing, and I thought, WTH did I miss? So, I checked it our from the library, and honestly, the answer to my question was - not much.
It's okay and worth a read but I can't rave about it.

And, to contradict myself, Going Postal by Pratchett - DEFINITE RE_READ! Should have finished the damn thing before I stuck my foot in me mouth.