Friday, June 02, 2006

More Deployment Woes

I got several letters yesterday from my Marine. I feel so bad for him there. I do my best to send him comforts from home. When he went the first time, I had our whole community involved in sending the platoon goodies from home. Now it is all that I can do to send him at least one package every 3 weeks or so. I know that he looks forward to them and I know that he is the type of leader that gives it all to his boys first. He is a really good Marine, he is promising to be a better husband and I am willing to give him that chance.

1 comment:

Scope Dope Cherrybomb said...

Dear Kel:
I have just read your posts for the first time as I slipped over from Dee's blog. I know Dee from the He Wrote/She Wrote blog.

I have to say that my heart is with you. I am former military, married to a former airman in the Canadian Air Force.

The first year of our marriage he was sent to serve with the United Nations in Egypt...a month after we were married.

We had no contact except by snail mail for the whole year. It was awful really because the letters took so long coming and some got lost. To top it off I found out the month after he left that I was pregnant with our daughter. She was two months old when he came home.

He was constantly telling me of serious incidents where he got hurt or nearly got shot...there were bullet holes in his jeep that showed the bullets must have sailed over his knees. This was just before another full war broke out over there. In the early 1960's. I was a nervous wreck worrying about him.

He came home just fine. We were lucky because, although it was a dangerous posting because the Arabs didn't like the UN there and were constantly trying to get the men alone to hurt them or shoot them, it was not a war zone.

I admire what you are doing. Just keep supporting him as you are. You are both in my prayers.
