Wednesday, May 31, 2006


The 29 askings Quiz
Q1) When showering, do you start the water and then get in, or get in then start the water? I start the water first
Q2) Do you read the labels on your shampoo bottle? no
Q3) Do you moan in the shower like the people on the Herbal Essences commercial? no
Q4) Have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex? yes
Q5) Have you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings? no
Q6) Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower? yes
Q7) Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot? yes
Q8) How old do you look? obviously if I get carded for alcohol, not that old
Q9) How old do you act? like 25
Q10) Whats the last song you sang? Where'd you go, I miss you soo
Q11) Have you recently become a member of anything? A blog
Q12) What are your plans for the weekend? Not sure yet
Q13) Do you kiss with your eyes open or closed? closed
Q14) Whats the sexiest thing about Condoleeza Rice? nothing
Q15) Does anything on your body itch right now? no
Q16) Who's the sexiest famous woman alive? Meg Ryan
Q17) Who's the sexiest famous man alive? Good question
Q18) Does every family have a crazy uncle? i believe so
Q19) Have you ever smuggled something into America? yes
Q20) Does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive? both
Q21) Do you live in a city with a good sports team? no
Q22) Have you ever finished off the popcorn and ate the junk from the bottom of the bag? no
Q23) Have you ever had sex in a tent? yes
Q24) What about in a boat? yes
Q25) Have you ever dated a Goth? no
Q26) Would you rather receive amazing oral sex or have amazing sex? amazing sex
Q27) Can you fix your own car? yes
Q28) Would you want to kill George W Bush yourself if you were Guarunteed to get away with it? no
Q29) Should guys wear pink? yes

What are your thoughts, copy and post your answers.....


Chari-Dee said...

Glad to see you post again. Like Dee's blog I think I probably upped your stat counter by checking in a few times a day!

Kel~ said...

I was off with dee...and not checking in on my blogger like I should. I am finally reading WTT. Figures that I have to drive to Virginia to get it. Let you know what I think when I finish it.