Tuesday, May 16, 2006

What I think of Jenni??

Not that my opinion matters a ton to all the Jenni fans out there, but I have to put in my two cents. My first book that I read was Charlie All Night and I was captivated. I didn't do my school work, I just read the book. It wasn't one of the lovely dovey silly romance fantasy novels. It was down to earth and I think that they real clincher for me was that it was realistic in a sense. I could put myself in Allie's shoes. It was nice to have a sensible romance book, although I don't know if I would define it as romance...I would define it more as a realistic relationship 'girls this is what will probably happen at least once in your life' type of book.

Now the real whopper! I read Strange Bedpersons. Again, I loved it. I read it instead of doing my school work and once again my mind was caught up in the relationship between Nick and Tess. The pot stickers though made me think of DeeCee...So the score for now is 2 for 2...Jenni may have a new fan. Although the only chick that I have ever obsessed over is Meg Ryan. She has some pretty good kick hiney movies. But then again she has the sappy love ones too. She seems to always fit her movies with the time in my life...and I have gone through the roller coaster of stages...Dee can tell you, when she met me, I was a young naive lovey dovey sappy bubble gum music listening girl. Then I met my ex Billy...then I hated men after we divorced and went through the 'Girls Kick Ass!!' stage. I still have that in me, thankfully my husband now (damian) likes my attitude and my independence.

Currently I am reading 'Bet me'. I should be done with it tomorrow and then I have 'Fast Women' lined up to read. After that, I will have to find a book store, cause I bought all the ones that Walmart carried. Till the morn...


dee said...

Oh man! Let me just apologize now, ok? I am SOOOO very sorry.
WHY am I apologizing? Well, I know how you like to get your schoolwork done. But it just won't happen if there is an un-read Crusie in your house.
I agree with Charity, BET ME is one of my faves. And FAST WOMEN is not one of my faves. I liked it, but I just wasn't as into it. I think it may be because the character was older, and I'm just not there yet. Then again, I totally got into ANYONE BUT YOU, and that chick was older too. But she had a younger man, just like Kel and I do. So that one was good.
Ok, I could ramble for ages on Jenny books.
You simply must get WELCOME TO TEMPTATION. I'd send you my copy, but Jenny signed it on Saturday, so the days of it leaving my house without me are OVER. Sorry.

Chari-Dee said...

I re-read Fast Women, and I still didn't like it as much. I don't think it was even that the heroine was older. It just seemed confusing in parts, the pace of the book seems jarred in places. Also, there were a couple places I just got lost. I just can't pin-point what about it bothered me so much. But something. Still, it is worth reading!!!!!