Monday, May 15, 2006

Okay okay

I have been away for a bit...I have been trying to bust my hiney and get my schoolwork done. My Marine wants me to be on the Dean's list, but I don't see that happening this semester.

I have also created another blog ~ after taking an email course on blogging and deciding that I need to create one where it would attract others. Check it Does that make sense??? Anyway!!!

Well my hubby is still deployed and I am still counting down to October...only problem is that I don't know when in October. I use to count in various ways before, by paydays, by moon cycles...anything that made it a smaller number the 180 days or so....I hate it....I hate not knowing when I will get to talk to him. I hate not knowing what he is going through...I mean...he told me some of the stuff that he had to do and God love him...I wouldn't be able to barge in on families and stuff....I just couldn't do it. I guess that I could if I had too.

It will be nice to go back to a B billet so that he won't have to be deployed in a war zone for at least 3 years. He didn't even get a full 6 month break in between his deployment...yuck!

I hate to say this but I don't even know what we are fighting for anymore over is starting to seem senseless to me. I don't watch the news just because I don't want to know...anyone else feel this way?


Chari-Dee said...

Godspeed to your hubby on a safe return.

I agree, I'm not sure what we're fighting for over there any more either. I respect greatly the men and women that are over there though and pray that along with your husnand they all make it home safe.

How is the Jenny reading coming?

Kel~ said...

I have actually read 2 of her books. Charlie all Night and Strange Bedpersons. I liked them both, they weren't the sappy romance novels that my mom reads...I just bought Fast Women, and I have Bet Me to read. They should be done in a day or so...she really hooks you in.

Thank you for your prayers for the troops. It means alot to them when they hear that they are supported, even if we don't support the war. Thanks again.

Chari-Dee said...

"Bet Me" - One of my absolute favorites.

"Fast Women" - Not so much. I like it, don't get me wrong. I had actually read it long ago and gave my copy away. Lately, I've been reading several comments from people saying that one was one of their faves, so I checked it out from the library just to see what I missed. Nothing. I like it okay, I just won't be reading it again. I got confused in a few places where the pacing seeme off to me. I'll be interested in what you think of it.

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