Thursday, May 18, 2006

Deployment Woes

Okay first and foremost, I haven't heard from my Damian since the 15th of phone calls, no emails, no letters. Not that I have gotten a letter since he left, but still it sucks. I hope that all is okay. Like I said, I try not to watch the news. If there are any spouses out there that need some assistance dealing with deployment, I suggest the following links: They have a lot of helpful links in dealing with deployment. It can help if you have kids that this might be the first time, and what to expect when they come home. Don't expect it to be peachy keen. A lot of things go on during deployment and it doesn't seem to all fall right back into place. You have to get adjusted to each other again. That may sound corny. But it is true. This is also a good resource to have handy:

Now granted that this is more of the Marine Corps end, but every branch should have them and if not, or if you cant' find it, I will be more than happy to research...I still have connections in DC. I was the Key Volunteer Coordinator for the Barracks there. Loved it, Love to Volunteer!

Now that I have talked a bit about that....I guess on to my next blog...Jennie, Jennie, Jennie...

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